Thursday, June 26, 2008

One Way to the Father

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" John 14:6

I have to admit, not being very surprised when I heard a survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life had found "that most Americans have a non-dogmatic approach to faith."

"Non-dogmatic," interesting word choice.....

"A majority of those who are affiliated with a religion, for instance, do not believe their religion is the only way to salvation," the summary explained. The Pew researchers concluded, the study "did not suggest that Americans do not take religion seriously." Rather, the statistics revealed, "more than nine-in-ten Americans (92%) believe in the existence of God or a universal spirit," (what is that?) but "there is considerable variation in the nature and certainty of this belief." Sounds like double-speak to me......

While I am skeptical of the motivations of the study and I am not sure how Pew selected the 35,000 respondents, I believe that the study is representative of where most, who call themselves religious, are in their faith. However, let's let God's truth speak on the subject....

When Jesus called his closest followers (the twelve) together just before he was to be lead away and crucified, he explained to them what was about to happen. In response to Thomas' question about the way Jesus was about to go.....Jesus spoke the only answer a christian believer needs to know when a researcher asks about the way to salvation. There is nothing complex about the answer nothing "non-dagmatic" about Jesus' response. He is the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to his Father except through a relationship with him his son. Jesus, afterall, came from the Father, he should know the way home.

We serve the Creator of the universe our God and Father sitting on his throne in heaven. He sent his only son who we called Jesus the Christ. He became the hands and feet of his Father on the physical earth and he became the model for which we as christians are to attain by trusting in him to be the only way we can approach our Father. There is no other way, but Jesus and until "christians" everywhere proclaim that fact with confidence, they will not enjoy the abundant life God wants to provide for them.

Prayer: Father, in the name of your son Jesus, who told us that whatever we ask in his name it will be granted unto us according to your will, I pray for all who call themselves believers who have been deceived by the prince of this world into believing a lie. The lie of Islam, the lie of Buddism, the lie of Hinduism, of witchcraft, and whatever man-made idols money, materialism, greed, and the like that are from the Father of Lies and have been exposed and defeated already through Jesus on the cross. Thank you Lord for exposing these idols of false worship and help us as believers to tear them down where they exist in our own lives and in the lives of those around us. Thank you Father for your mercy and forgiveness. Heal us from the sins of our unbelief and create in us a new heart of trust in you. I love you Father and I thank you for your unending grace. Fill us all with the power of your Holy Spirit and renew our strength to walk boldly in your Kingdom and bring the good news of Jesus Christ to all (including the 35,000) who live in this fallen world. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen!

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