Friday, August 29, 2008

Hannah's Prayer

"Then Hannah prayed and said:
"My heart rejoices in the LORD;
in the LORD my horn is lifted high.
My mouth boasts over my enemies,
for I delight in your deliverance.

"There is no one holy like the LORD;
there is no one besides you;
there is no Rock like our God.

"Do not keep talking so proudly
or let your mouth speak such arrogance,
for the LORD is a God who knows,
and by him deeds are weighed.

"The bows of the warriors are broken,
but those who stumbled are armed with strength.
Those who were full hire themselves out for food,
but those who were hungry hunger no more.

She who was barren has borne seven children,
but she who has had many sons pines away.
"The LORD brings death and makes alive;

he brings down to the grave and raises up.

The LORD sends poverty and wealth;
he humbles and he exalts.
He raises the poor from the dust

and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.

"For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's;
upon them he has set the world.
He will guard the feet of his saints,

but the wicked will be silenced in darkness.

"It is not by strength that one prevails;
those who oppose the LORD will be shattered.

He will thunder against them from heaven;
the LORD will judge the ends of the earth.

"He will give strength to his king and exalt the horn of his anointed." 1 Samuel 2:1-10

God is in control no matter what the circumstances no matter how it feels. He is always right, and always on time. "Be still and know I am God", the bible says. It is very easy to say but difficult to practice. We want our prayers answered our way and on our schedule. But we must understand that the Creator of the universe who knew us before we were conceived, has a better plan, one that serves his Kingdom.

In the midst of our trials and our tribulations, we like Hannah (Samuel's mother), must understand that we serve God and that he does not serve us. He loves us and will always be there no matter what we must endure. Thank you Father for your grace and mercy and please forgive our selfishness and let YOUR will be done! Amen

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

God is in Control

"But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine." Psalm 33:18-19

We live in a a world that is constantly changing. The weather, the tides, the seasons are constantly in a state of change. The planets, the stars and all that makes up the universe is in constant motion. Even we are not the same today as we were yesterday not the way we will be tomorrow as our bodies slowly age. Yes all around is in flux and only one constant exists, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lord is the same today as he was yesterday and will be into eternity. He set the universe into motion when he created it and he sits on a throne while it moves all around him. He has known each one of us since before we were born and he has his eye upon us always. Nothing escapes him and while we endure hardship and good times he is with us even when it seems he is so far away. God is always there no matter how it feels and our salvation. like Him, is unchanged.

We endure difficulties, deaths, sickness and pain in life but God's presence is always there. He is with us even when it seems our prayers go unanswered. Yet God hears them and awaits his plan to unfold in our lives.

When we accepted the free gift of salvation from God we exchanged masters. Once we were enslaved by the Enemy in the bondage. When Jesus shed his blood on the cross and we, through faith in his promises, received eternal life in Jesus we became slaves to Him. We now are "love slaves" of the most high God and we obey him as our Lord and master. So as we endure difficulties or good times, we do it as unto the Lord and we must realize that God has a plan for us and we must be patient and wait for it to unfold.

My prayer: Father, thank you for constantly having your eye on me and keeping me in your loving care. No matter what happens in my life I serve you and your kingdom and not the wishes and desires of my flesh. I love you Lord and want to do your will, no matter what it may cost. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Angel of the Lord

"When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him holding a drawn sword. Joshua approached him and asked him, “Are you on our side or allied with our enemies?” He answered, “Truly I am the commander of the Lord’s army. Now I have arrived!” Joshua bowed down with his face to the ground and asked, “What does my master want to say to his servant?” The commander of the Lord’s army answered Joshua, “Remove your sandals from your feet, because the place where you stand is holy.” Joshua did so." Joshua 5:13-15

Angels appear several times in Old Testament scripture. Balaam's donkey sees one in Numbers Chapter 22 as does Daniel in Chapter 9. The significance of an angel of the Lord appearing emphasizes that their is more to the battles and struggles we face than meet our human eyes. Paul says that our struggle is "not against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Eph 6:12

When the Jews marched around Jericho and shouted obediently as the Lord had told Joshua, they empowered the spiritual forces of God (his angels) against the dark forces of Satan embodied in the Canaanites behind the walls of Jericho. David tells us that "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them." Psalm 34:7 Because of their obedience to the Lord, God fulfills the promise about which David writes.

God never leaves us alone no matter how difficult the circumstances may seem. Just as the angel told Daniel, that he came to him as soon as he began to pray, so does God hear our prayers and immediately begins to put together his response according to his word sometimes using his angels to engage the dark forces of evil to do it.

My prayer: Help me father to understand that there is more in front of me than my mortal eyes can see nor my mind can understand. I pray for supernatural wisdom through the power of the Holy Spirit to help me see things that cannot be seen and to understand that My God will never leave me alone. Praise God for always being with me and especially for the grace which has set me free from sin and death. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Roll Back the Stone

"Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you." So the place has been called Gilgal to this day." Joshua 5:9

The use of the Hebrew word Galal Originally llg) "to roll or to roll away" is very interesting in this passage from the Joshua. The Jews had crossed the Jordan after years in the desert where "they had not obeyed the lord." Joshua 5:6 So, God told Joshua to "circumcise the Israelites again."

Upon the completion of the circumcision of all the males who had been born in the desert on the journey from Egypt, the Lord declared that on this day their act of obedience to his law caused the reproach of Egypt to be "rolled back." This phrase rolling back is found in two other places in the bible (Genesis 29:7-9) when Jacob met his future wife Rachel in the desert. Trying to get his sheep watered after a long desert journey the people at the well there said, "until the flock is gathered and the the stone has been rolled away from the mouth of the well. Then we will water the sheep." Gen 29:8 And yet again it is found in the new testament (Matthew and Mark) in reference to the stone that covered the entrance to the tomb where Jesus was laid after his crucifixion.

How awesome! It was only when the stone was rolled back could the sheep be refreshed with water; it was not until the the Israelites had returned to the laws of God that their reproach (disapproval, rebuke, disgrace) could be removed (forgiven); and it was not until the stone was rolled away and Jesus rose from the dead that the sins of all mankind were forgiven by God! Praise God for his mercy!

My prayer: Father you are an awesome God, a gracious forgiver of sins who waits for his sheep to return to him and follow his word. Thank you Lord for patiently waiting and thank you for giving us all a way to roll back the disgrace that we find when we fall away from obedience to you. Refresh us Lord with your life giving water that can only be found by accepting your son Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. I pray that all who do not know you will be drawn to you and allow You to roll away the stone in their lives, in the name of Jesus, Amen!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

12 Stones

"When the whole nation had finished crossing the Jordon, the Lord said to Joshua, 'Choose twelve men from among the people, on from each tribe, and tell then to take up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan from right where the priests stood and to carry them over with you and put them down at the place where you stay tonight'." Joshua 4:1-3

The nation of Israel wandered in the desert over forty years after Moses lead them out of slavery in Egypt. They endured many hardships and were not allowed entrance into the promised land under his leadership because they were disobedient. Even with God leading them out with his physical presence going before them and all the miracles they saw on their long journey, they still could not follow God into the promised land.

Finally after the death of Moses the day had come and Joshua was chosen to lead them across a rain swollen Jordan River. God again would part the waters and the thousands of freed slaves would walk across like they did the Red Sea into the land that God had promised them so long ago.

But God knew our nature. He knew the generation before had failed to pass on the miracles they saw God perform in front of Pharaoh, the parting of the Red Sea, the cloud they followed across the vast expanse of desert, or even the manna from heaven. He knew these memories too would fade over time if he didn't command them to build a monument with 12 stones carefully retrieved from the very riverbed that was dried up by him when the Levite priests stepped into the water.

Our memories of how God has brought us from the depths of despair or the bondage of drugs and alcohol, seem to fade when times are good. We are hesitant to tell our children of the failures from which God redeemed us out of embarrassment and pride. We must build monuments to remind other generations of the sacrifices He and others who followed him obediently made to save the us from suffering.

Brothers and sisters, we must become monuments to the saving power of God and of his Son Jesus Christ. We must share our testimony with the next generation and encourage them to do the same with their children. We can no longer hide our faults and struggles from our neighbors and our families. We must share how Jesus redeemed us and from what depths he has pulled us up into our "promised land". Don't be afraid to share your miracle with someone. Be one of the twelve stones in this generation!

My prayer: Father, thank you for being a great God, a saving God, and a miracle working God. Thank you for saving me from the depths of my sin. Let us not be too proud or too embarrassed to share the testimony that you have created in our lives. Help us Lord to be monuments of your great love in this generation and in the next. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I Will Never Leave You

"As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:5

Do you ever feel alone? Even when people surround you, do you ever feel like there is no one there? Sometimes when the pressures of work, finances, or personal tragedy press in, we feel that there is not help there is no relief.

Joshua must have felt that way when he took over leadership of the Jews in the desert just outside the promised land. Moses led the people out of bondage in Egypt and was with them as they wandered in the wilderness for so many years. Now he was gone and it was Joshua who would pick up the mantle of leadership.

As children head back to school, our high school graduates enter college or head off to a distant shore to face unknown dangers in a war torn country, God is there. "I will give you every place where you set your foot," he promised Joshua, "No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life." (Joshua 1:3-5) Just as he was present in Joshua's situation so is he with you and I as we face new challenges in our daily lives.

It is so comforting to know that the God of the universe is not to busy to have his eye on us. He loves us and like a father, uses our life experiences to mold and shape us as his servants. He watches us as we endure life's trials and tribulations that he has ordained for us to develop our character and prepare us for new challenges that we will face in the future. "I know the plans I have for you...." declares the Lord in Jer 29:11. He has ordained for each of a unique life plan that he wants us to live out so that we may be prepared for the service he has called us to in his Kingdom. All the while He is there watching over us with love.

My prayer: Father thank you for always being there no matter what the circumstance. Use life's trials to make me stronger so that I may better serve you and bring you glory. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Remind the People

"Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men." Titus 3:1

I just finished reading Paul's short letter to Titus and wonder, how successful he was at the assignment Paul gave him. He asked that Titus to "....teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance." (Titus 2:1-2)

It seems as if our church leadership is still struggling with the same knowledge gap as Paul and Titus were in the early church. As the "leadership example" within the society we, Christians still struggle with the same issues that Titus and his elders were supposed to educate out of us. "Be imitators of Christ," Paul said to the Ephesian church, and in similar fashion also to the church in Corinth he made the same call to obedience. It seems as if the message didn't ring very true.Perhaps the problem lies in the the second part of the instruction, "In your teaching show integrity, .... so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." Titus 2:7-8 Paul knew that the "buck" stopped with his leadership. Unless they practiced in their lives what they taught the people, the message would not be received. God gave Moses the ten commandments not for him to judge us but for us to have a yardstick to measure one another against what God desires.

To have integrity is to practice what you profess. Without it our message of the good news of Jesus Christ will not be heard by those who are lost. It is incumbent upon us as Christians to be imitators of Christ in every aspect of our lives in public and in secret. We will fail at times but, praise God, we have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. However, what others see in us is what they see in Christ therefore, our duty should not be taken lightly.

My Prayer: Father, help us to be more like you and less like our former selves. Make us imitators Christ so that we may teach others with authority and live lives of integrity. In Jesus name, Amen!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

God is Love

"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." Rom 16:20

The Word of God says "God is Love" and that love inwardly (is):
  1. Patient
  2. Kind
  3. Protects
  4. Trusts
  5. Hopes
  6. Perseveres
  7. Rejoices in Truth

And outwardly (toward others):

  1. Does not envy
  2. Does not boast
  3. Is not Rude
  4. Is not Proud
  5. Is not self-seeking
  6. Is not easily angered
  7. Keeps no record of wrongs.

I believe God tells us that by demonstrating these qualities in our inward love for him and outward love of others, he will crush Satan, as Paul's says, "under (our) feet." In other words it is up to us and our obedience if Satan's head is to be crushed under our heel ( Gen 3:15). Until we learn to love like Jesus, who was completely obedient to his Father and defeated sin and death, we will never completely remove Satan from our midst. Its a tall order and we better get on our knees and pray for the strength to follow what God says.

My prayer: Thank you Father for giving us a road map to understand you. I ask your forgiveness for our shortcomings and I pray for a renewed level of obedience of your Word, in Jesus mighty name! Amen.

Monday, August 11, 2008

God is Patient and Kind

"Love is patient. Love is kind" 1 Cor 13:6

The word "love" here is translated from the Greek "Agape" which means affectionate or benevolent or unconditional love or as John Gill's Bible expository puts it "an everlasting, unchangeable, and invariable love." The King James translation in fact uses the word "charity" in place of the word love. "Charity suffereth long and is kind." (KJV)

God, who foreknew us before we were born (Rom 11:2); ordained us for a purpose, His purpose. He, therefore, must be patient with us so that we can serve out His purpose for our lives on earth. He wants us to succeed in our relationship with him and our endeavors of service for the Kingdom. Everything that happens to us good and bad are a product of his work in us.

God's kindness and patience as modeled by his son Jesus is the standard God wants us to exhibit toward our neighbors. However, God realizing we are on a journey toward that standard, does not condemn us as we develop, rather he patiently and lovingly waits for us as we reach the fullness that he desires.

My prayer: Thank you Lord for being patient and kind with us. Mold us Father into the men and women of God that you desire us to be. Help us to be more like Jesus with every passing day and use us for your purposes and glory while we are in this world. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

God is Love

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." 1 Cor 13:5-6

I had a great conversation with God this morning in my quiet time. I was taking my thrice daily medicine, reading the love chapter, and he showed me something awesome. 1 John 4:8 teaches that "God is love," and because that is true, God said, then from today's verse now you can more fully understand who I am.

God is patient, God is kind. God does not envy, God does not boast, God is not proud. God is not rude, God is not self-seeking, God is not easily angered, God keeps no record of wrongs.

This truly astounded me. Am I that slow? After all these years as a Christian, I did not have even a vague idea of the character of God! For the first time in my life, I have a grasp on who God is. I know that my mind can never comprehend an infinite being but to write down these nine characteristics made God so real (tangible) to my human understanding.

Why should I be surprised? Wouldn't a God of such character want his children to understand him? He wrote the Bible using human hands so that the infinite could be explained to us in terms we may understand. We just need to read it!

My prayer: Father, thank you for giving us your Word so that we may have a glimpse into your infinite majesty. In the name of Jesus, whom you sent to show us physically who you are and to whom we owe our salvation, I pray for a continuous renewal of our minds so that we are transformed into your likeness. I pray for a boldness in our walk and a confidence in our spirit, so that we may take the gospel to a hurting world because you love all mankind!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Giving in Love

"If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing." 1Cor:3

According to the Gates Foundation website, the foundation, established by Bill and Melinda Gates, has assets of over $35 billion and in 2007 alone made grants of over $2 billion! Wow, that is huge. In 2007, a recent MSNBC article reported, that Americans gave over $300 billion to charities (about a $1000 per person across the population). While not the same order of magnitude as the Gate's family, the sum of the whole is quite impressive.

Giving makes us feel good. Giving tells us that we "love"our brother and sister in need. Surely giving money and time are pleasing to God.

I wonder what God thinks? I wonder if all this giving is pleasing to God? I wonder if even the tithes and offerings we give (out of obedience) are acceptable to the Father?

These are tough questions. The widow who gave a penny (half of all she had) gave more than the rich man according to Jesus. Why? Did she do it out of obedience or was there something else behind her offering. The Bible tells us in Romans 12:1 "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."

Talk about huge! I'm sorry Bill and Melinda, you guys are good but "a living sacrifice," God is in a different league. My "reasonable service!" I believe God and the widow made the all star team in there league and we are struggling in the minors!

God, again, sorts it out for us (at least for me). We must present all of ourselves as the sacrifice not just the extra we have after taking care of our "necessities" and pleasures. Paul continues in Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world.....that ye (you and me) may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."

This is too much Father, you're saying I have to give all of myself? It's more than money with you God? I can't just cover up my disobedience with a few bucks? "YES, YES, and YES John," he says.

I have come to realize through his word that no matter how much I argue, he wants my heart first and all the rest (tithes, gifts, offerings, etc) will come out of love, not my own ego. God wants to US to "prove what is that, good and acceptable, and perfect will of God."

God wants US (you and me) to show the world what is good and acceptable and perfect to him! Can you imagine? He must really have a lot of faith in us! I know I wouldn't trust me with that responsibility!

My Prayer: Your word never ceases to stop me in my tracks. Father, I am so inadequate, so imperfect yet so loved by you. Father, in earnest I ask, in the name of Jesus, for you to dig deep in me and help me to strip away the imperfection and bring me to a new place with my heart. I want to be able to show the world what you consider that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Because then, I will be giving to you out of love, not my own selfishness. Amen!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Am Nothing without Love

"If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." 1 Cor 13:2

I used to think that if I had sufficient faith and understood God's will for my life, I had reached the place where God wanted me. However, as I pour over the details of this wonderful chapter in Paul's letter to the Corinthian church, I find that God wants us to stretch ourselves continuously in all aspects of our spirit through his word. And, I have come to realize that he desires, above all else, that we learn how to love him and those around us with the same passion and zeal as Jesus did while he was among us.

Jesus said to "go into all the world and make disciples..." The more I read the Love Chapter the more I understand that "all the world" is a very difficult place to go. It is a place that takes us out of our comfort zone and sometimes even into danger, to love others and bring them to Jesus. I must confess, I still do not have that much love in me to risk my comfort like that.

We have one shot at life here on earth, and our Father wants us to tell others about him and how much he loved them, no matter their color, socioeconomic background, or geographic location. He wants us to minister to the worst our society has to offer and in the lowliest places on earth. He wants us to love the child molester as much as the child. He wants us to reach out to the murderer and the rapist as well as the old woman next door. Jesus communed with the worst of the worst in his day as a model of how we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. It is difficult but we must understand that it is God's will and have no choice but to be obedient.

What if, we loved the "lepers" of our day? What would the world look like if we embraced the terrorist and told him that Jesus Christ died for his sins too? What if, we (I) were truly obedient to God rather than choosing ourselves who to love today? What if, I loved like Jesus did?

My prayer: Father, I am a long way from loving you and my neighbor like you command. That is sin Father and I ask your forgiveness. Daddy wash me clean, so clean that the log in my eye does not blind me toward others. Show me how to love the "worst" as much as I do the "best." Do let me give up loving those who are hard to love because the going gets difficult. You haven't given up on me even when I fail, allow me to do the same with my fellow man. Thank you Lord and to you I give all the glory, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Clanging Symbol

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angles, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." 1 Cor. 13:1

Take one tablet three times daily, the doctor might say when prescribing medicine to assist in healing an infection. Such is the advice of a pastor I recently had an opportunity to hear at Promisekeepers 08. Bishop Larry Jackson (, the author of "Guilt Free Living," told a crowd of seven thousand including me who struggled with pornography, overwork, neglecting their family, financial difficulties, and many other sins to repent, find an accountability partner to pray with, rid yourself of temptations, and read 1 Cor 13 "The Love Chapter" three times a day.

I have begun to take his prescription. For the next several days and weeks, I will write devotionals relating to the chapter as the Lord begins to work inside me to restore my brokenness and pick up the pieces of my heart damaged by my sinful nature.

1 Cor 13:1 gets to the heart of our walk with God. Our relationship with Him must come from our heart and not only from outward displays such as speaking in tongues. Without true love like that which was demonstrated by Jesus Christ, none of our efforts or even our faith will be satisfying to God. We must learn to love God with everything that we are and we must love our fellow man as we love ourselves. Love is the endpoint of everything with God and once we achieve perfect love we will see clearly what Jesus was like and understand how he wants us to live.

Let's take this adventure together and see what God is going to do in our lives!

My prayer: Lord I am a sinner and a repeat offender, forgive me please. I ask in the name of Jesus that you patiently walk beside me and firmly reveal that which is displeasing to you in my life. Breakdown the walls of sin within me and replace them with love that is genuine, deep and overflowing. Teach me to love like you Daddy, give me a heart that breaks for your people, and use me as a vessel to reach others for Christ. Amen!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

On the Treadmill

"When I want to do good, evil is right with me. For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work in my members. What a wretched man I am!" Rom 7:21-24

The most significant obstacle in my walk with God is the Enemy's effort keep me in the same place on the spiritual growth curve. Because of sin and its strong appeal to my flesh, I find myself losing energy in a continuous spiral of "Sin-Confession-Repentance-Sin." How often I find myself re plowing the same ground as if I am on a treadmill, spending lots of energy but not moving forward.

Paul gets to the root of the problem, I believe, in his letter to the Romans. Even Paul laments that while his inner being delights in pleasing God by obeying his law, other members of his body are equally at work opposing the law. The "waging of war" Paul says, makes him a "prisoner of sin" in his own body. Paul gives us hope of rescue from the treadmill through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, cleansing us completely of our sins, freeing us from the sin that continually keeps us pinned down.

While, I am thankful and joyful that Jesus has saved me from my sinful nature, I pray in earnest for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit such that my progress forward with God will not be slowed by "the Treadmill.'' We should all pray for less repetition of our old ways and more love within our hearts for God and his law.

My Prayer: Father, forgive me for the sin of repetitious sin. Forgive me for staying on the treadmill, and not moving ahead with you on a spiritual growth curve that will make me more like Jesus and less like myself. I love you Father and I thank you so much for the gift of your Son that would rescue us from the cycle of sin, confession, repentance and repeated sin. Move us along the path toward perfection through your Son Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!