Friday, August 8, 2008

Giving in Love

"If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing." 1Cor:3

According to the Gates Foundation website, the foundation, established by Bill and Melinda Gates, has assets of over $35 billion and in 2007 alone made grants of over $2 billion! Wow, that is huge. In 2007, a recent MSNBC article reported, that Americans gave over $300 billion to charities (about a $1000 per person across the population). While not the same order of magnitude as the Gate's family, the sum of the whole is quite impressive.

Giving makes us feel good. Giving tells us that we "love"our brother and sister in need. Surely giving money and time are pleasing to God.

I wonder what God thinks? I wonder if all this giving is pleasing to God? I wonder if even the tithes and offerings we give (out of obedience) are acceptable to the Father?

These are tough questions. The widow who gave a penny (half of all she had) gave more than the rich man according to Jesus. Why? Did she do it out of obedience or was there something else behind her offering. The Bible tells us in Romans 12:1 "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."

Talk about huge! I'm sorry Bill and Melinda, you guys are good but "a living sacrifice," God is in a different league. My "reasonable service!" I believe God and the widow made the all star team in there league and we are struggling in the minors!

God, again, sorts it out for us (at least for me). We must present all of ourselves as the sacrifice not just the extra we have after taking care of our "necessities" and pleasures. Paul continues in Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world.....that ye (you and me) may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."

This is too much Father, you're saying I have to give all of myself? It's more than money with you God? I can't just cover up my disobedience with a few bucks? "YES, YES, and YES John," he says.

I have come to realize through his word that no matter how much I argue, he wants my heart first and all the rest (tithes, gifts, offerings, etc) will come out of love, not my own ego. God wants to US to "prove what is that, good and acceptable, and perfect will of God."

God wants US (you and me) to show the world what is good and acceptable and perfect to him! Can you imagine? He must really have a lot of faith in us! I know I wouldn't trust me with that responsibility!

My Prayer: Your word never ceases to stop me in my tracks. Father, I am so inadequate, so imperfect yet so loved by you. Father, in earnest I ask, in the name of Jesus, for you to dig deep in me and help me to strip away the imperfection and bring me to a new place with my heart. I want to be able to show the world what you consider that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Because then, I will be giving to you out of love, not my own selfishness. Amen!

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