Saturday, July 26, 2008

Love One Another Sincerely

"Let love be sincere.....Be affectionate to one another, with brotherly love...." Rom 12:9-10

Life seems to consume us with it's busyness. I just moved into a new house and have not been faithful to my devotional writing of late. I wanted to write everyday this year but like most things we promise ourselves and often God, they seem to get pushed aside in our hectic lives.

Love is like that too. We are just too busy for one another. A text message on my son's birthday, it slipped my mind this year; a missed dance recital, another late night at the office. We all have excuses.

The problem is we are not aligned with what God wants us to do. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul," says the Lord "and your neighbor as yourself." Well, if I have the time.

God gave us just two things to do. Sincerely love him and love our fellow man with the same zeal as we love ourselves. We don't. We try but like my promise to the devotional we start off well but we don't finish. Something always gets in the way. Some people after all just aren't that loveable....

What's your excuse? Did your boss really make you angry today? Was it your husband who never takes the time to say that you look pretty any more? Maybe its your children who seem to have more time for their friends than to go to the movies as a family.

Paul reiterates what Jesus said, "Love one another," with brotherly affection. But when you do it make your love sincere. Love each other like you would want to be loved and love God that way too. Its all in the heart and we must take the time to do it. Its what God asks of us as adopted members of his family, his children.

My prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus your Son, I ask for your forgiveness once again for falling short of my obligation to love sincerely. I have not taken the time because I am selfish and too absorbed with my own life to consider loving my neighbor. I have been too busy to stop and talk with you Daddy and I know how that disappoints you. Grant me a new sense of connection to you and to those around me. Help me to love them when they are not lovable and make me more easy to love. Thank you for your mercy and constant patience. I do love you Father and I am learning more how to love everyone around me consistently. Thank you for your grace. I pray in earnest for all to come to know you and to begin to love one another with sincerity and zeal. In Jesus name, Amen!

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