Saturday, January 3, 2009

Living in Christ

"But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." 1John 2:5-6

Happy New Year. Last year I started this blog and didn't give it the daily treatment that the name implies. In fact this is my eightieth post so you can see that I made a post on average about every four days. Hardly, what I set out to do. As I reflected on the posts, they did represent how I struggle with myself to meet God on his terms rather than my own. God wants our undivided attention and frankly, most of the time, we are too busy for him. If we are truly believers and have Christ dwelling on the inside of us as the word says, we must heed the words of the apostle John, "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."

In 2009, I plan to take stock in this verse and examine and fix where I fall short of walking like Jesus did. Jesus had a boldness about him and his "Father's business," that we as Christians don't have. We are ineffective most of the time in our ability to share the gospel with non-believers. Not only do we not have that boldness, but most of us cannot even tell a non-beleiver who God is and why we believe Jesus was a real person. I believe homosexuality and now atheism have been able to gain acceptance in our community because we have been ineffective in spreading the love and knowledge of Christ to a world hungry for His message of love and hope. We have to do better.

My prayer in 2009 is to grow in my love for God that I would walk as boldly as Jesus and do his Father's business in the workplace, at church, in the grocery store, inside my home and amongst my family and friends. Wherever I have a sphere of influence, I want others I meet to see Jesus Christ in me. I believe the greatest thing that can happen to me in 2009 is to have someone stop and ask me, what is different about you? That will be my queue to tell them the good news of Jesus Christ!

My prayer. Father, please forgive me for living a mediocre and unproductive "life in Christ." I understand that you are trying to tell all of us that if Christ truly dwells inside of us we ought to act like Jesus not our former sinful selves. Grant me Father the insight to see where I fall short and shore up my weakness with your Love and forgiveness. Help me to better put my talents to good use in moving the Kingdom forward as we wait patiently for your return. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to write this blog in the freedom of the United States of America and I ask that you continue to pour out your blessings on this great country even though at times we have failed to live like you demand us to. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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