Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You Know Me, Father!

“O LORD, you have searched me and you know me.” Psalm, 139:1

I have to confess that I have been preoccupied this year with wedding plans. My daughter is getting married and I have been obsessed with how much things cost. It is frustrating to me because I am not very trusting when it comes to money and frankly every time a dollar is spent I cringe because I am exposed and I don’t know how I will make enough to afford paying the monthly bills and the wedding on top of it. I know this sounds normal to most of you but to me this is a huge deal and even though God is working in this wedding making everything smooth and providing the resources, I don’t trust God enough to stop worrying.

Am I being unreasonable here or am I just human? I find comfort in Psalm 139, because when I read it I know God knows exactly how I will react to every expenditure and new requirement even before I hear of it. He knows that I don’t trust Him and he knows how much monetary issues worry me, and He loves me just the same! I wouldn’t love me but I am thankful He does!

My prayer. Father, thank you that your word is true. Thank you that you know us better than we know ourselves and that you love us when we are not very lovable. I pray Father for your peace and for an expansion of my trust in you in this difficult financial time. I thank you that you would provide me with the resources to give my daughter the kind of wedding that she wants. I thank you that my wife and I are on the same page as we plan the budget and carry out the spending and planning for this event. Above all Lord, thank you that my daughter and her fiancée are happy and that they are drawing closer to you as they open the next chapter of their lives together. Father use me to be a godly influence on Chuck and Dawn and continue to work out all of our salvation, one day at a time as we walk more closely with you. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!

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