Friday, May 22, 2009

Wisdom of God

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.” Is 29:14

I find myself increasingly frustrated at level of the intellectual blather emanating from the so called academic elite. How can those who claim to be “experts” by virtue of their academic pedigree spew such nonsense? The predictable fare of scientific and philosophical minutiae, most often derived from concocted data and spurious mental gymnastics serves primarily to confound and lull to sleep the uninformed masses who are more interested in “American Idol” or the “WWF” than the moral and ethical decay threatening the destruction of our free society. Be it the ravings of evolutionists or the creative science of global warming, “politico-science-speak” (I made that up) has become a tool of distraction designed to diabolically transform an apathetic and poorly educated populous into mindless drones unable to take a breath without getting permission from Big Brother.

What has facilitated this societal shift from self-governance to big government? Why is the average citizen misinformed and generally apathetic about the world around him? Why has the progressive movement made such giant strides toward stripping away our basic freedom? I believe the answer lies not in a debate between “science” and religion, Jungian Psychology and the truths of the bible rather, I believe it resides in mankind’s obsession with self.

For years now, the progressives and liberal activists have manipulated societal mores and ethical benchmarks in a methodical manner partly because the average citizen has been distracted with himself (herself) and his (her) own physical pleasure more than what is morally correct. One need only look at the state of the family, marriage and the crime rate to see that our society has been engaged with selfish carnal satisfaction at the expense of many institutions we used to hold dear. For example, during the period 1960-2005, according to a Pew Research study, illegitimate births increased sevenfold from 5.3 percent to 36.8 percent. Among blacks two out of every three births are illegitimate. Divorce even among born again Christians achieved parity with the rest of society over the last forty years. And, as of June 30, 2008 2,310,984 prisoners were being housed in federal and state prisons or local jails.

The statistics tell a story that one can literally feel in the environment. The presence of the darkness that pervades our society lies heavy in almost every aspect of our daily lives. People are buying guns at record rates, and there is a general uneasiness about the economy and looming hyperinflation as the government continues increase debt at a “never-before-seen” pace. All the while the wheels of scientific and political misdirection continue to provide the curtain of deception behind which the “wizard” continues to operate the levers.

In the last days

The bible speaks clearly about the days in which we are living. The apostle James writes, “Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days.” God, speaking through the prophet Isaiah, continues, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate;”( Is 29:14) and Peter warns, “…in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. I am sure many of you are scoffing now. The bible tells us that the “things of God” (His wisdom) confound the “natural man” (that is a man not filled with the Holy Spirit). How are we then to understand the wisdom of God?

In Acts Chapter 2 and verse 7, Luke writes, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.” Since the day of Pentecost when Jesus ascended to heaven and the promised Holy Spirit filled thousands of gathered believers like “the sound of rushing wind,” the gift that can unlock the wisdom of God has been available to Christians. Yet, it is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (a foreign concept to the average Christian) that unlocks the treasure found only in God’s word and enables us to understand it.

Many of the “last days” prophesies from the bible and some pulpits will fall on deaf ears and hardened hearts because most Christians have not received this important gift. Until one is “born of the spirit” through a born-again profession of faith, baptism of the Holy Spirit and an on-going relationship of prayer and study of God’s word, God’s wisdom cannot be understood. This certainly explains why so many who profess to be Christians are confused about their faith and, without realizing it, contributed to the secular notion the “America is no longer a Christian nation,” or some such “politico-science-speak” nonsense.

Get over yourself

Distracted by our concern over self, we (Christians included) have allowed our world to reach this historic low point with only further decline on our horizon. Although we do have an answer to our predicament as I explained earlier, I don’t believe we are ready to collectively embrace it. We have not reached our proverbial rock bottom. Until we have been sufficiently broken to repent and love God more than ourselves, we will not embrace our Father and His Son and rise from the ashes.

God is jealous. He wants us all to himself. He wants us to give our lives in service to Him alone. Jesus said that we are to love the Father with “our entire heart, mind, and soul and with all our strength.” God will not share us with money, houses, clothes, MTV or false religious doctrine. He wants all of our love and all of our service demonstrated in every aspect of our lives. He wants us to live our lives in such a way that our outward behavior and internal attitude will bring glory to his name.

Friends, we are not there yet and I believe we will continue to slide into further turmoil, until (if ever) we decide to come back to the Father in humble repentance. When we are ready to fully embrace God and die to our own selfishness, then we will begin to understand God’s wisdom. God is an infinite being who works through the individual sprits of his people in the physical realm. The power of the Holy Spirit flowing through each of us and connecting ourselves to God and each other is the essence of Christianity and the answer to the restoration of the world as God intended.

My prayer. Father forgive us please for not realizing just how much you love us. Forgive us for putting other things before you and for ignoring the gifts that you offer your children. Bring us to our knees Lord and humble us at the foot of the coss. Increase our wisdom through the transforming power of your word and the Holy Spirit. Give us a Daniel spirit and determination to do what is right no matter the consequences. We need you now more than ever Father, please hear your children as we approach you in earnest prayer and humble repentence. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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