Thursday, May 7, 2009

Let Us Pray

Father, on this National Day of prayer we find ourselves broken and need of a savior. We have strayed from your word and followed our own way in the United States. Our families are in a shambles, our schools are failing and our country is on a path toward socialism. The freedoms that you granted us are being eroded and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Lord your word says that if we will humble ourselves and seek your face with a repentant spirit, you will heal our land and restore our souls. Father, it is with a humbleness and heart felt sadness that I approach your throne of grace for my country, my government, my school system, the media, families across this country and most importantly the Body of Christ. Father, we have fallen and we need your hand to help us up. We have allowed ourselves to believe the lies of the Enemy and he has had his way with the institutions that have made this country great.

I pray for all levels of government today Lord from the President down to the town councils and mayors of this country. I pray for a spirit of repentance and against corruption by money and power. Heal our land starting with our leadership. I pray for a Daniel spirit in our leaders that those who are called by your name Lord will stand up for what they believe in the face of persecution. I lift up their decisions that they me be examined in the light of your word.

I pray for the safety and security of our military forces and their families. Renew their spirits and strengthen them in their efforts. Breath life into families who have lost loved ones to the senseless violence of war. Keep the children of lost fathers and mothers under the comfort of your loving touch.

I pray for an open news and media complex that the spirit of truth and not deception be upon it. I pray for role models to stand up in the media and the entertainment industry. I pray for sound policy within our government that would allow free speech to continue and not be shut down because it may be damaging to a political agenda.

I lift up families that are headed by a man and a woman. I pray for the strengthening of fathers and their role as leaders in the household. End today child abuse and apathy within our households. Change the hearts of parents who have lost their way and are not being positive influences on our children. Protect Lord the lives of the unborn in this country.

Help us Lord on this day to remember all that grieves your heart and soften hardened hearts. Restore us Lord to our once greatness. Let the truth reign and let lies be exposed and eliminated. Return prayer to our schools and show us where lies are being taught to our children their. Give us wisdom and courage to promote Christian education and find the resources to keep good schools open. Give parents a heart for giving their children a better life than they had and draw families to you Lord.

Finally Father, unify your Church. We have let denominationalism and false doctrine creep in and have lost our way. Send revival to us both individually and collectively. Help us through your Holy Spirit once again to return to the church as it was in the days of your apostles Paul and Peter.

I pray in earnest through your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen!

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