Saturday, April 25, 2009

A People Who Live Apart

"From the rocky peaks I see them, from the heights I view them, I see a people who live apart and do not consider themselves on of the nations." Numbers 23:9

God put this verse in my spirit this morning as I read his word. In these times of turmoil and changing values and the swirl of politics and social agendas. God tells us to step back and look at who we are in his eyes. We are set apart from the rest of the world. We are his chosen. It is up to us as followers of Christ to be different fro the rest of society because we are his children.

The world will try to swallow us up and water down the truth of God's word but it is up to us to remain steadfast and continue to proclaim the truth no matter what the consequence. It is time we stand as believers for the truth of God's word and show the world that we are His and that we are steadfast not tossed about like a wave on the ocean.

As believers we must be aware what the enemy is doing around us and fight back for what is right for our God and our families. No matter what the personal pain and persecution that we will suffer in the months and years ahead, we have only one time to get this right and God is watching us "from the heights."

My prayer. The days of persecution have arrived in America Father and we need your strength to see us through. Walk beside us Father and hold us up. Thank you for the redemption we have through Jesus Christ that when we fall you have already paid the price for our iniquity. Fill us Lord with the Holy Spirit and embolden us to stand for the truth of your Word in a dying and hostile world. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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