Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Passion of Christ - Part 3

Then they compelled a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus, as he was coming out of the country and passing by, to bear His cross. Mark 15:21

This morning a loving wife lost her husband to cancer. He left behind two young boys and a grieving widow. The cancer took him in less than six weeks. An unexpected loss, her best friend gone. She is a widow, left to raise her two young boys, alone.

Simon, the father of two sons Alexander and Rufus, lived in Cyrene, an ancient Greek colony located in the eastern portion of modern day Libya. The bible doesn’t say why Simon was in Jerusalem the day Jesus was to be crucified. He was probably there to do business or perhaps he was on vacation with his family. Who really knows. He was just “passing by,” when God called him. “Hey Simon,” He said through the Roman guard, “I have a job for you. Simon, I have a burden for you to carry. I need to you to serve me and my kingdom.”

Simon didn’t expect when he approached the gates of the Jerusalem that morning he would find himself suddenly under the weight of the cross of Jesus and in the midst of the noise and commotion that must have surrounded the march toward Golgatha. Six weeks ago, the "loving wife" never thought she would soon be a widow and a single mother. Yet in a blink of an eye, she is alone wondering what just happened. Much like Simon she must have thought, why me? Why did God give me this burden? I’m not ready, I cannot possibly do this. I don’t want to carry this load?

When we and desire to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, not only our lives but our responsibilities change forever. We are no longer our own master; if we want to grow closer to God we must bear what he asks us to carry. We must serve where and when he calls us. Usually, he calls us to places outside of our comfort zones, at inconvenient times, and sometimes with pain at some level.

When we carry Jesus’ cross, we find ourselves in the midst of turmoil and often scared. But, when he asks,"Will you do this for me?" God does not leave us alone. No, you will find Him right next to you. He loves his children and wants us to gain experience and grow strong through the difficulties he asks us to endure.

The bible doesn’t reveal what happened to Simon after he carried the cross. I suppose it doesn’t matter in the context of the Word of God. But, I know after that day, Simon’s life was never the same because he answered God’s call.

My prayer. Father, I thank you that you give us opportunities to grow closer to you. I know they are not always pleasant experiences but I am so grateful, that when we must endure them, You are alongside us holding our hand. I pray for the family of your fallen saint. I thank you Lord that I had the pleasure to have known him and that you called me to the hospital this morning so that I could meet his widow and be a part of your miracle in her life. I pray for protection and peace to be upon mother and sons today as they bear up under the weight of their crosses. I thank you that you will never leave us nor forsake us Father. I love you Lord and I pray in earnest in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done John. Well done.
