Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Passion of Christ - Part 4

Then seizing him, they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest. Peter followed at a distance. Luke 22:54

Peter, James and John were part of Jesus’ inner circle, they were his closest friends. In most of the major discussions and certainly when Jesus prayed the night before he was handed over to be crucified, Jesus had them near. In fact, when Jesus was seized by the temple guards, Peter drew a sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers.

Why then, would Peter, as Jesus’ predicted, deny to have even known his best friend after Jesus was in custody. In fact, “…Peter followed at a distance,” as arresting soldiers and Jesus made their way from Gethsemane to the temple court. Peter chose to hide in the shadows rather than admit he was a follower of Christ. He was scared.

This episode speaks volumes about the state of Christianity in 2009. Unlike Peter who had no idea what would become of his friend Jesus, we modern day Christians have the benefit of knowing how the crucifixion story ended. We can look back on the day of Pentecost, where thousands saw the Holy Spirit descend upon the disciples and Peter stood up and led over 3000 to the Lord; yet, most of us still follow Jesus at a distance. What are we afraid of?

Many Christians fail to grasp the power of the risen Lord. If the Body of Christ (the Church) who has asked Jesus Christ into our hearts would understand the power we possess knowing that God has forgiven our sins and that we have overcome death as well, then we would not remain in the shadows, embarrassed to admit we believe. Of all the religions on earth Christianity is the only one that can say that their leader has been put to death but is now alive and has been living for the past two thousand years! That’s empowering!

It’s time to get serious about our faith and stop listening to all of the noise around us trying to put Christianity in a box. The power of Christ living inside of us drives out all fear. Stand up and tell others why you are so confident. The Last Days are here brothers and sisters and if we don’t tell the lost about the good news, it may soon be too late.

My prayer. Father again, forgive us for trying to limit you. Forgive us for being weak-kneed Christians. Empower us through your Holy Spirit to speak boldly without fear or reservation about the gospel. Prepare a way for each of us as we go out in a very dark world to be beacons of light. I pray that we be doers of the word and not hearers only. In Jesus name Amen!

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