Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Will Protect Him

"I will protect him for he acknowledges my name." Psalm 91:14

These are and will continue to be difficult times. High unemployment, a government stripping our country of its sovereignty, and a general anger amongst the population dominate our thoughts. The warnings of the prophets from Ezekiel to Daniel to John seem to be coming to life nightly on the evening news. Jesus himself said of these days, "...because iniquity (wickedness) shall abound, the love of many will wax (grow) cold." Mat 24:12

One can see tempers growing shorter and unemployment lines longer. Talk of protest and anarchy fill the airwaves of the talk radio stations, while Internet blogs violently slander anyone who disagrees with their point of view. Freedoms that were taken for granted ten years ago are being threatened by an ever-increasingly fascist tone throughout the land.

What can a Christian do, who is chastised for his beliefs, and threatened when he speaks out against the murder of unborn children or in defense of his family against the violence and degradation of pornography?

We must all have faith, realizing that God sometimes allows calamity to strengthen our resolve and to show his glory to those who do not believe. Sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph when reunited once again with his family after many years, said of his hardships," God sent me ahead of you to preserve your lives." In other words, Joseph knew that God had a bigger plan in mind and he had to allow Joseph to suffer hardship so that Jews would be relocated to Egypt and eventually grow to over two million there. By Joseph's suffering God would lead the Jews out of Egypt and show the world his power and love for his people freeing them from slavery and leading them into the land he promised to Abraham. To God, a little suffering now to bring him glory and new souls into the kingdom is worth it and expected.

No matter what is happening now, it will most likely get worse. Some may lose everything, others may find themselves hungry and homeless, others may even die. However, God is still there and watching and using the power of the Holy Spirit in us to bring him glory and win souls for eternity. This is our chance to shine saints, and to "run with patience, the race that is set before us." Heb 12:1

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