Sunday, January 6, 2008

God rested

"By the seventh day God had finished his work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work." Gen 2:2

Today is Sunday and I have worked in and out of the house for six days so I will rest from my work. I am doing this not only to honor God but because it is good for me to rest my body. A rested body is more free from illness and more productive throughout the week. A mind that has taken one day to relax from the stress of decision-making is less apt to contribute to a heart attack or stroke.

God made us and he knew that we needed rest. It is likely when this scripture was written by Moses, that God was speaking to the Jews who were just, or soon to be, freed from captivity. These people had been toiling for years probably 16 or more hours a day and certainly seven days a week to make their quota of bricks for the Pharaoh's building projects. God new his people needed to be free of this mindset of "daily work without rest" so he spoke through Moses and explained that even God rested after six days of work. The Jews needed it then and we need it today.

So wherever you are, take the time, one day per week (it doesn't have to be Sunday), and rest. Enjoy your life. Do what you love, do nothing, play with your children; but, most importantly, don't think about the chores you have to do on Monday or the deadline you have to meet in the office. Sit relax and know that you are honoring God and becoming a healthier person. Have fun!

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