Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Vision of Daniel

"In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like the son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations, and men of every language worshipped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." Daniel 7:13-14

I woke up this morning from a dream about the times I had as a young man working my first job at a golf course. The setting was that same course thirty years later and I was sitting around a table telling my story to some older gentlemen who played golf there regularly. I spoke of the staff that was in place when I work there as these men told me what they were doing now. They had long since left that place and their lives moved in many different directions. Some had died, some had raised families, and others went into completely new career fields. I remembered the dreams of that time, dreams of being a golf professional and considered how much different things had turned out. I awoke from the dream and now I'm sitting in front of this keyboard before I go off to work.

Like Daniel, this dream "troubled my spirit" and "disturbed me." I was troubled because the dream caused me to reflect on what is going on in the world today. The world that we know seems to be spiraling out of control. Global terrorism, rising oil prices, and a falling economy threaten our very existence as a nation. Factions of politicians and lawyers enamored by the teachings of Lenin seek to govern it in a communist fashion. Environmentalists, believing they can change the course of our earth's global climate by taxing and regulating our daily lives in the name of global warming further fuel the communist movement. Violence in our streets, caused by children whose fathers were too busy satisfying themselves to raise them, runs rampant while the power of our police departments is diminished. Even religious institutions, in the name of God, spawn leaders who promote racism, violence and greed.

I was deeply troubled. But, as I read this verse, I find peace. I realize that no matter what I do from this day forward in my life, I know that God is in control. I can save hundreds of thousands of dollars for retirement and it could evaporate under a crippled economy, but God will still comfort me. I could be put to death in thirty years by a government that cannot afford to keep someone around who is not contributing to society, yet God still comforts me. My children may not be allowed to own a house or a car because they have too large a carbon footprint, and God still causes the the flowers to bloom in the Spring and and snow to fall in the Winter.

We are an arrogant people to think that we can affect the outcome of God's plan for his Creation. "His (Jesus) dominion is and everlasting dominion." It was ordained and orchestrated by the Creator of the Universe, the "Ancient of Days." We can only sit back and watch in awe of how much he is control. And no matter what godlike qualities we think we have, we are powerless to alter the path of what God has in store for us.

Father, forgive us for doubting your sovereign power. Those, who cannot see, may it be demonstrated unto them. Use me Father to be your hands and feet in this crazy world. Send me with the full armor of God into all the world to carry out the words of your son, "Make disciples of all nations." I pray this in the precious name of Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords who has been given an everlasting dominion that will never pass away. Amen!

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