Wednesday, January 9, 2008

His Power Our Weakness

"My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor 12:9

"I can do it 'ownself,'" my grandaughter said when she was a toddler. Katie was two and she thought she could do anything herself. Ususally she would have trouble or get hurt before grandpa could give her a hand.

Not much changes as we age and become "wiser." We continue to do it ourselves in life denying our Heavenly Father's help. Often we experience disappointment and sometimes meet with disasterous results. God has a different approach.

Being a follower of Christ does not carry a requirement to be perfect. God wants only our hearts (broken, hardened or otherwise) and through his grace he makes us whole. Then when he has our heart and we become obedient to his Word then he can begin to use our weaknesses to bring others to him. "His power is made perfect in our weakness!

This dynamic, "his power our weakness," is summarized so beautifully in Mathew 11:28-29. "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." (Bring me your worries, addictions, stresses, broken relationships, past mistakes and I (Jesus) will give you peace and forgiveness before my Father.) "Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me;...and ye shall find rest unto your souls." ( Then, after you follow me and receive my grace, begin to learn about me through the Word of God and then I can begin to change you from the inside out and use your weaknesses to demonstrate my power to others.)

We are God's hand on earth. We are the only means by which an infinite being (God) can show himself to finite beings here on earth. It is my prayer that you begin today to follow Christ. There are no prerequisites. Accept the Lord into your heart and begin to follow Him, read and learn about Christ through the Word of God and prayer. God will change your life and will change the lives of others around you using all of your weaknesses as his strength.

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