Sunday, January 20, 2008

His Divine Power

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." 2 Peter 1:3

How much do we need? It seems the more we have the more we want. I used to think that my financial situation would improve as soon as I would get the next promotion but when I got it I always found a way to spend the extra money. I thought when I bought my first house it was big enough and nice enough, but I always see one I like better. In our consumer-oriented world we want more and never seem to be satisfied with what we have.

Spiritual obsessions can work the same way. I am amazed at the number of different types of "ways to fulfillment" or "paths to enlightenment" there are. All of them are deceptive and often dangerous. But our God, promises spiritual fulfillment simply by believing that he is God and that he sent his Son to die for our sins. In Genesis 15:6, "Abram believed the Lord, and he credited to him as righteousness." Simple, the believer has nothing else to do, in fact there is nothing left to do because God has done it all for us.

I pray that each one of us who knows someone struggling to find happiness or enlightenment through material things and spiritual trickery can simply tell them to believe the Lord, and watch how God will begin to change thier life. Reach out today with all the righteousness that God has graciously given you, and tell someone who is hurting that "His devine power has given us everything we need for life." The search is over! Praise God!

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