Saturday, January 5, 2008

Unplowed Ground

"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. " Hosea 10:12 (KJV)

God's word has 188 verses that refer to the word ground. It was out of the dust of the earth (ground) that God created man, it was "holy ground" that Moses was standing on when God appeared to him on Mt. Sinai, and it was the place from which Abel's blood cried out to God after Cain killed him. Even today one does not have to scan the newspaper very long to see how much blood has been spilled over land (ground). It doesn't take much careful consideration to discover that God and mankind consider ground very important.

Before a farmer can plant and harvest a vibrant crop, he knows the soil must be ready for planting and growth. "Fallow ground" referred to in the scripture is unplanted soil which has been rested for one or more growing seasons to allow it to revitalize itself with nutrients. Before the knowledge of soil chemistry, farmers would not plant a piece of ground for a season to allow the ground to "rest" and replenish its nutrients through natural means. The farmer knew, that by not planting it for a season the "rested"soil would be more productive.

The fallow ground after it has been rested and replenished must now be prepared for planting. Untouched soil over time becomes hard and dry. Exposed to the weather the ground develops a hard crust which will not allow seeds to be sown into it. The farmer must first, plow the ground to break up this crusty surface and expose it to the atmosphere. Without plowing the scattered seeds would hit the hard dry surface and most would be carried away by the wind or eaten by the birds. Seeds that happened to land in a crack in the dry soil would germinate but the crusty surface would not allow life giving water to penetrate and water the plants roots. Without water penetrating the surface of the ground the crop would wither or not produce fruit.

Like these plants we need periods of rest and reflection to make us ready for the next seasons in our life. God is telling us here that he cannot use us if we are not rested and replenished. We can prepare ourselves weekly by resting and reflection one out of seven days. We can periodically take vacations that remove us from the stresses of our daily routines. And we can fast and pray for God's revelation in our lives. After these periods of reflection, this verse tells us to break up the fallow ground in our lives. I believe that is the sin that God has revealed to us in our times of reflection. We must break up the crust of sin that encases the rich soil of our lives that God wants to sow seeds into. He cannot use us if we are not ready to grow.

It is my prayer today that each one of us hears God's word and finds time to rest and replenish our spirits. Then, when we are filled with new life, we will break the crusty surface of sin in our lives so that the Lord can plant seed into us that will grow a bountiful harvest! I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen!

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